Jeff Imbody Bio

When I was three years old, my mother took me with her to the church women’s group to sing for them. I think I sang All Creatures Great And Small, and I have been performing ever since!

I studied literature, education, and music in college and graduate school in Massachusetts. I have been a teacher, an Inclusion Specialist supporting children with disabilities, a Youth Ministries Coordinator, a retail sales manager, and currently own and operate my own lesson and music studio.  I have also always been in a band, playing with a worship team, teaching music to someone, writing songs, or playing for myself and my family, keeping music as my center.

I moved to North Carolina in 2008, and have never regretted running away from Massachusetts and all that snow.  I am happy and settled here in Mooresville with my wonderful wife, Annette, and our dog, Levi.  
My love of music, literature, and teaching is only superseded by my love of God, and my desire to bring Christ’s message to others through music.  I am looking forward to working with this worship team and fulfilling my lifelong desire to reach others through God’s gift of music!